The 2020 Environmental Crimes Conference will take place in St. Helier, Jersey, UK on October 1 and 2, 2020 at St. Paul’s Centre.

2020 Speaker Lineup
Ending Corporate Impunity: Crimes against Current and Future Generations
Zane Dangor currently serves as the Special Adviser to the South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation. Before joining DIRCO he worked as the Chief Operations Office to Soul City. Dangor worked at UNFPA as its interim Representative to the AU and ECA in 2017. Before joining the UNFPA he served as the Director-General of the National Department of Social Development in South Africa. Dangor also served as a Deputy Director General in the Department of Social Development where he served for over 12 years. This included being seconded to serve as Special Advisor to two Ministers of Social Development. Dangor worked with the International Human Rights Law Group based in Washington DC focusing on transitional justice issues in West Africa. He worked in Civil Society and as a consultant in various capacities. He was a senior manager, including Executive Director at the Development Resource Centre for 10 years, where he contributed to human rights and development work nationally and internationally. He was a Managing Partner in a social consulting company, Sonke Consulting. Dangor holds a Masters In Law (LLM) in International Law and a Masters Public and Development Management both, from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
From Trafficking to Triumph: How Expanding Waste-to-Energy Infrastructure in the Global South can Commoditize Waste and Propel Economic Growth
Nykeeba Brown, BSc. (Howard), JD (Barry), LL.M (Pace), earned her advanced degree in Global Environmental Law at Pace University’s Haub School of Law. Brown served as a diplomacy extern at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, where she represented the Government of Sri Lanka at the General Assembly, in the G-77, the Third Committee, Fourth Committee, and Sixth Committee. Prior to her studies for an LL.M, Brown served as a summer associate at Akerman LLP in their labor and employment practice.
Environmental factors as driving force of sexual violence against indigenous women: The case of West Papua
Szilvia Csevár LL.M. is a lecturer in Public International Law at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). She also holds a researcher position at the Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice, shared between Leiden University and THUAS, her research focusing on indigenous rights in the context of environmental justice and conflict prevention. She worked with the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone for several years as a Legal Researcher. Other professional activities included serving as Registrar with the International Peoples Tribunal on Crimes against Humanity in Indonesia 1965, as well as chairing the working group International Protection of Human Rights of the Dutch section of the International Commission of Jurists.
Illegal Wildlife Trade: Comparing International and European Legal Responses to Cross-Border Crime
Dr. Ricardo Pereira is a Reader in Law at Cardiff University, Law & Politics School, United Kingdom. He has published widely in the field of environmental criminal law, which includes the book ‘Environmental Criminal Liability and Enforcement in European and International Law’ (BRILL, 2015).
Forfeiture of the proceeds of environmental crime – a Swiss Perspective
Lorena Studer is an associate at Walder Wyss Ltd. in Zurich (Switzerland) and specialized in litigation in civil and criminal matters. She advises in domestic and international commercial disputes and represents parties in state courts proceedings. In particular, she advises and represents accused and injured parties in corporate crime and fraud cases. In addition, she is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Lorena studied at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and worked as a law clerk at the Swiss Federal Administrative Court and the Higher Appeals Chamber of the Swiss Federal Criminal Court.
Corruption, Organised Crime and Extinction in SE Asia
Dr. Simon Sneddon is a Senior Lecturer and LLM Programme Leader at the University of Northampton. Simon has been teaching Organised Crime and Environmental Law for the last 15 years, and for the last few years his research has focused on the links between the two areas – specifically in terms of the Illegal Wildlife Trade.
Violent Law: Courts and Indigenous Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene
Sakshi Aravind is a PhD student in the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. I graduated from the University of Oxford, where I studied for the Bachelor of Civil Law (2014-15), specializing in criminal law and evidence. Subsequently, I worked as a Research Fellow at a New Delhi based legal think-tank, on specialised matters of narcotics and criminal law and environmental law and policy. In 2017-2018, I completed my MPhil in Environmental Policy at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. I have a keen interest in political ecology and nonhuman legal personhood and have been pursuing an independent project on the latter, alongside my doctoral work.
Our struggle continues. Confronting the dynamics of dispossession in the Peruvian Amazon: The case of Santa Clara de Uchunya and their fight to obtain justice and regain their territory
Tom Younger is Peru Programme Coordinator and Junior Policy Advisor with Forest Peoples Programme, a human rights organisation working with forest peoples across the globe to secure their rights to their lands and their livelihoods.
Alternative Legal and Financial Strategies to Combat Environmental Crime
Amanda Gore is the founder of the Centre for Global Advancement registered in the United Kingdom and Kenya, The Centre for Global Advancement (C4GA) is focused on enhancing global knowledge and pioneering new approaches to combat the global impacts of environmental and financial crime. Amanda has over 20 years’ experience as a forensic accountant working in multiple regions around the world working on financial crime issues including Anti-Corruption in Africa, Money Laundering in the Caribbean, South East Asia and the US, Asset tracing in Europe and Tax Evasion in New Zealand. She has focused her work over the last 5 years on applying financial crime tools to wildlife and forestry. Most recently she worked for the UN pioneering a financial investigations work stream for Wildlife and Forestry Crime across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Environmental Personhood
Prayank Jain is an Indian qualified international lawyer and project consultant. He works on climate justice, human rights and global governance issues. Fields of action: international advocacy, nonprofit strategy, capacity building, higher education and multidisciplinary research. Prayank specializes in negotiations, social sector management and public interest diplomacy. He is experienced in programme design and development, teaching-training, legal advocacy and social impact evaluation. Thematic expertise: human security, climate governance, environmental justice, migration and multilateral negotiation. Prayank works with a diverse network of stakeholders and has experience of managing unique civil sector projects. He has supported Small Island Developing States in strengthening their engagement with UN human rights mechanisms and has promoted civil society’s voice in global governance through research based advocacy. He has developed interactive modules to address racism in law enforcement and delivered anti-discrimination training to Indian Police organizations. Prayank has extensive experience of training and supporting different segments, including adolescent youth, rural populations, university students, executive professionals and senior citizens. At the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Prayank specialized in the fields of international negotiation, climate justice and nonprofit leadership. He is assisting global experts at Fletcher on specialised research and teaching projects in Climate, Migration and Human Rights fields.
Offshore Climate Change & Islands in Global Capitalism
Bram Wanrooj is a historian and campaigner who has been teaching for 15 years in different settings. His most recent work focused on the refugee crisis in Europe, on which he has written a book : “Displaced. Europe & the Global Refugee Crisis.” He has just started his PhD, in which he examines the politics of space within global capitalism and how this relates to islands and sub-national jurisdictions, especially offshore. How do islands negotiate their global responsibilities and commitments and does their ‘offshore-ness’ undermine or contribute to global efforts to address climate change? In spite of perceptions, small offshore jurisdictions seem to play an important role within globalization. Bram asks the question if global (public) challenges can be addressed by an increasingly privatized planet in which islands seem to play a central role.
Climate Justice in Times of Pandemic
Dr. Zoi Aliozi is a scholar-activist. She is a human rights expert, lecturer, and lawyer/activist. Her academic work focuses on international law and human rights through a multi-disciplinary methodology that is employing philosophy and law. Zoi is a young academic with passion for the new technologies, digital advocacy, international law, human rights, and climate justice; with a deep appreciation for the arts and cinema. She is an active member of the international civil society, and has extensive working experience from multi-disciplinary teams.
Toward the Crime of Ecocide: Legal challenges to the inclusion of the ‘crime of ecocide’ in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Beatrice Hamilton is a Teaching Fellow in International Law at the University of Edinburgh. Beatrice hold an LLB, MComm Law, MIR, MDipTrade and is a PhD Candidate at Ghent University. Beatrice’s work focuses on environmental protection in the context of armed conflict. Beatrice is a member/researcher at the Ghent Rolin-Jaequemyns International Law Institute and former Chair in Environment at the United Nations Associations Australia WA.
Leading the Way on Lead Pollution
Dr. Claire de Than and Dr. Jesse Elvin
Professor Claire de Than is a senior legal academic of more than 25 years’ standing, and a Jersey Law Commissioner, currently working on a Criminal Code. She has over 85 legal academic publications in total, including articles in leading national and international journals, and over 15 books. Her research fields include criminal law, comparative law of tiny jurisdictions, and human rights law. She has advised many governments, charities and organisations on criminal law, human rights and law reform issues.
Dr. Jesse Elvin is a Senior Lecturer in Law at City, University of London.. He has published in a number of leading journals, including the Cambridge Law Journal, the Law Quarterly Review, the Modern Law Review, and the Criminal Law Review. His research and teaching interests include tort law, criminal law, and contract law.
Forced Displacement of Peoples: The Moken of Burma
Regina M. Paulose is an International Criminal Law Attorney (US). Executive Director, The Common Good Foundation. She is the editor and a contributor to the forthcoming volume, “Green Crimes in International Criminal Law” which will be published by Mt. Vernon Press in 2021.
Information regarding last year’s presenters and topics can be found here. The 2019 articles can be found here.