Report: Revenge, Lies, and Hypocrisy: Examining the Role of Corruption in Rape Cases

The Common Good Foundation has published a report titled, “Revenge, Lies, and Hypocrisy: Examining the Role of Corruption in Rape Cases.” The report examines how corruption plays a role in rape cases notably in the initial stages of a case and how abuse of power and moral turpitude play a role in these cases.


To download the report please click here

United Nations Must Act to Protect Religious Minorities in Burma

The Common Good Foundation, along with 90 plus organizations and individuals, has signed a joint letter calling upon the UN Secretary General to stop rampant violations of religious freedom in Burma by the Burmese military.

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Examining the Rights of Peoples in South Asia

On August 9, 2021 the international community will commemorate International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. Yet, organizations such as the ILO, have noted inconsistent protections for Indigenous Peoples in places throughout Asia. South Asian Tribal People continue to face challenges relating to migration, forced displacement, and human rights violations. Further, the loss of identity and culture is becoming commonplace. COVID 19 has exacerbated many issues for Indigenous People in South Asia. In order to continue to raise awareness around tribal rights, The Common Good Foundation presents a series of lectures titled, “Examining the Rights of Peoples in South Asia.”  The situations examined include Nepal, Kashmir, India, and Pakistan.

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2021 Environmental Crimes and Protection Conference Program

Pomme D’Or Hotel, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
Follow us on Twitter: @commongoodfdn #ECPC2021
Registration here

In partnership with The Jersey Law Commission, The Resolution Journal, the Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies and sponsored by The World Peace through Law Section of the Washington State Bar Association, Save Our Shoreline Jersey, Earth Protect Jersey. This program has been approved for 7.5 CPD credits by the Jersey Law Society.

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CFP: 2021 Environmental Crimes and Protection Conference

Greenpeace Philippines Sculpture

The Common Good Foundation in partnership with the Jersey Law Commission and in collaboration with JICAS, is hosting the 2021 Environmental Crimes and Protection Conference on September 16- 17, 2021 in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom.

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REPORT: Navigating Business and Human Rights in South Asia

The Common Good Foundation has launched its report “Navigating Business and Human Rights in South Asia” which can be accessed below.

The report covers three thematic areas: children’s rights, indigenous peoples rights, and the environment. The report includes recommendations on how governments and businesses can align themselves with international principles on human rights.

To download the report please click here or you can read below


2020 Mass Atrocities and Human Rights Seminar

The CGF in partnership with University of Stirling School of Law (UK) is hosting its 3rd Human Rights and Mass Atrocity Seminar September 17-18, 2020 at Stirling Court Hotel. The seminar is chaired by Dr. Damian Etone and Regina M. Paulose.

The seminar will cover topics such as genocide, cybercrimes, environmental crimes, and business and human rights. The 2018 program can found here (available for purchase) and the 2019 program can be found here.

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